Friday, 12 October 2012

♥ Unforgettable memories ♥

How i wish i could turn back time so that i can stay younger....hahhaha(perasan).....I truly miss my primary and secondary school time...It's such a memorable stories me with my friends.... Knowing them is a blessing from above. We're all know each other since we are in standard 2 till we are graduated....

But, once we are done our SPM exam all were missing...Dunno where everyone going...(hahaha...besala dah besar panjang semua kan...:P)....Until one day i found out some of them were get married and got child..They have their own life now!!!That's mean that i should be happy for them as well...;) and now, i should be thanking GOD for nowadays technology. (Facebook, twitter, wassapp, viber,and etc...) its all free.....everyone can enjoy it...:P One by one of my old friend i met on FB(Jejak Kasih la konon)!!!Best kan, can met with our BFF yang dah lama menghilang......(NELLY, AYU, HERLINA,JANE,KASMAWATI,PANG ASRINA, SHANTY, NURUL HUDA) they are all my besties since we are in standard one till today....Really miss you guys so very much....Hopefully we can arrange a "REUNION" party so that all of us can gather together..ermmm(tapi bila erk?)hahaha.....hopefully soon la kan...

Sya nak share gamabr gambar waktu kami kami ne masih muda ....hahhaha(get this pics from Shanty)
♥ My standard 4 class group pic..huh....comel comel kan...♥

here i presented my BFF ....the 2 chinese girl not in tittle of BFF la...(jahat kan)hahahah....
tu jer 2 keping gambar yang my friend sempoat upload dalam FB...yang others belum lagi...but, i will upload it once she dah upload kat FB ye...:)

yang ne pic aku ngan my BFF time kitaorang kat secondary school...not everyone inside this pic, but still they are the best...;)....

* I am thanking GOD for sending them in my life. Im so grateful  knowing them. THey are all lovely..Wish our friend ship will be bless till the END...


Thursday, 11 October 2012

♥ Hujan Owh Hujan ♥

Sejak kebelakagan ini, cuaca tidak menentu.. Kadang panas, mendung, or hujan....kadang tu sehari hujan jer...tak henti henti...(datang la mood malas nak p kerja)hahahha....Samapi sampai aku dengar orang orang disekeliling ku tak henti henti mengomel..."apala hujan ne...hujan jak terus" lepas tu ada pula yang kata" apa la ne panas betul...hitam kulit"hahhaha....hairan kan manusia nie, bila hujan dorang dok sibuk mengomel kata hujan la....then bila panas  dok mengomel kenapa la panas....aduihai manusia, apa yang korang ingin kan ne sebenarnay...hahahah

*Otw balik...betapa jam nya jalan raya...huhuhu....

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

♥ Bila ber"Shopping" groceries♥

Bila nak Shopping tu orang kata "berbelanja la secara berhemah" ;P....

Cerita pasal Shopping barang-barang dapur...mesti saya dah list down barang barang yang nak dibeli...takut ter"over" budget...faham faham la, kadanag kadang, lain yang dilist lain yang dibeli...(korang pun macam tu kan..baik mengaku...hahaha)......sebelum p supermarket or market tu, sya list down barang barang yang harus dibeli..(makanan ringan,(chocolate - tu harus...hahah),susu, roti la, nestum and bahan bahan beku lain...)....Aku ne kadang kadang kalo dah list down barang barang nak dibeli, gatal betul tangan ne nak ambek benda yang tak de dalam list..(hahhah) sekali sampai kat couter...$$$$ over dah budget...So, korang kalo nak beli barang barang dapur tu list down yer...taktu takut korang ter"over" budget...(jgn jadi macam sya)hahahah

- Troly tu baru separuh...hah, tgk tu my sista dah borong banyak banyak hampir penuh dah troly tu..-

so masa kitaorang dah sampai kaunter tu..$$$$ banyak juga la shopping...tapi tak la..sampai terover ;)

nah tgk minah seorang ne...nak jadi model Librese (ngam ke spelling aku tu?)hahahha

Petang tu kitaorang singgah market....

* tgk minah seorang ne, terlalu ahsyik berjalan samapai kena snapped pic dia pun dia tdk sedar,,,hahaha

_ NE muka nak minta diskaun kali kan...hahahah

*p/s suka beli sayur or fruits or ikan and ayam kat pasar then supermarket....because market more fresh then at the supermarket  ;)

Friday, 5 October 2012

♥ Kegagalan bukan bererti kita gagal ♥

Sometimes in life we will feel bad about ourselves. Betul tak? lebih lebih lagi bila kita mengalami kegagalan didalm rancangan rancangan yang kita sedang usahakan...Kta kecewa!!Putus asa!!dan sedih!!! We will feel that there's no more 2nd chance...(who said?2nd chance is always there when we are trying to stand up when we are fall down)....

When God created us, HE created us for SUCCESS!!Not a FAILURE....Memang sulit dan sukar bagi kita manusia untuk percayakan TUHAN kita diatas segala sesuatu..(yeah, people said, have faith in GOD...kadang kadang kita fikir yang mereka hanya tau cakap jak..bukan mereka yang mengalami...tetapi saya!!!).....its true...tapi kita harus memandang dari sudut possitive....Dimana kita ambil nasihat itu sebgai pendorong yang mampu membangunkan kita...

I've a story about this FAILURE...i have a friend that really really bad in MATHS Subject when we are in secondary school...SHe never pass her exam..from she is in form 1 till form 5...SHe's really bad on it!!!SHe's almost down just because of this FAILURE..Dia hampir hampir putus asa...But, i came to her and strengthen her, guide her and advice her....From that day, she put on her heart a mission!!She want to get a A in MATHS Subject for our SPM exam...She's try her best and study hard..SHe went to book store bought a few exercise books, and she will try her best to do all the questions. 

And the day is came..Our SPM exam is here!!!She's feel nervous and afraid that she couldn't make it. I came to her and told her that, don't be nervous and afraid..SHe's able to do it...Once she's dah tenang, kami trus menuju ke dewan peperiksaan bersama-sama....Sekali sekala sya memandang kebelakang dan melihat, dia menjawab kertas peperiksaan itu dengan tenang....Im so so happy seeing her can answers all the questions...Korang tau apa results dia dpt?!!!i can really saw her happy...she didn't expect that she could make it...apa perasaan anda bila anda berada di tempat dia?mesti happy kan...itu la cerita sya pasal entry sya kali ne...
"kegagalan bukan bererti kita gagal"

"When God created us, He created us for success. The plans that God has for us are meant to lead us down the road of true success. Therefore, let us not be discouraged when we stumble and fall, for He has called and anointed each and every one of us.

God’s Word promises that He will always accompany us and be with us for the entire journey. His desire is to see us as the top and not the bottom, the head and not the tail. He desires to give us success not as the world defines it, but the real kind of success that comes with our relationship with Him. In fact, He has promised that when we seek Him, all the other things that we seek will not only be given, but ADDED onto us.

So let us stay close to God and His word, and allow Him to work in our lives. By dwelling in His presence and following His leadings, we will inevitably achieve everlasting success both in this life, and in our eternally beautiful future.

The inspiring quotations about success selected below are meant to help you keep your perspective and focus on what is really important, in order to truly achieve success in every area of your life. My hope is that these inspirational success quotes will provide some motivation and support on your journey of success."

Quotes About Success

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and afuture."
~ Jeremiah 29:11 ~

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
~ David Brinkley ~

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
~ Proverbs 16:3 ~

Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
~ David Frost ~

"True humility and respect for the Lord lead a man to riches, honor, and long life."
~ Proverbs 22:4 ~

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
~ Dale Carnegie ~

"Our only power and success comes from God."
~ 2 Corinthians 3:5 ~

I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.
Michael Jordan ~

"The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity - in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your ground - in the land he swore to your forefathers to give you. The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none."
~ Deuteronomy 28:11-12 ~

Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.
~ Arnold H. Glasow ~

p/s : So guys Trust yourself that u could make it soft..

Thursday, 4 October 2012

♥ Ber "Wassapp" ♥

It's Friday!!!Wow..times really flies so fast owh...pejam celik pejam celik dah masuk bulan october....(umur pun makin meningkat...hahahah!!!gaji tak naik naik :P)...Banyak songgeh pulak aku ne kan...Btw, today im gonna talk about "WASSAPP APPLICATION"'s a good application actually...boleh ber"sms" free to all numbers in this whole world...wah...wah....tak tidur la ne akibatnya...terlalu obsess chatting tru phone with friends or ur loves ones..;)....Tapi best juga la app ne...FOC!! jimat credit...hahaha....but mesti ONLINE la baru boleh guna...kalo tak, tak dapat den nak nolong...:P....

Kalo korang tgk pic kat atas tu//...hah, itu tgk ber"Wassapp" with cousin cousin...seorang kat sabah dan seorang lagi study kat Jakarta....huhuh...hebat tak app ne?(harus la hebat kan...wakakakakka)....

Guys, kalo korang korang yang belum ada app ne, cepat cepat la download k ;P.....boleh dating puas puas ngan orang orang yang opinion la kan, now mereka mereka yang long distance relationship  ne boleh bertahan lama la...why?dah boleh dating lama lama ngan gf/bf....hahhaha!!!its just my opinion yer,....hahaha!!!!

♥ CUPCAKE!!!Yummmyyyy.... ♥

Hallu!!!....Entri kali ne sya nak bercakap sikit pasal cupcake@kek cawan....Nowadays, benda ne femes diseluruh dlm internet mesti dpat jumpa pic cupcake yang cumil cumil...@cantik cantik....kadang kadang tu terasa sayang nak makan...sebab terlampau cantik....Kalo zaman zaman dahulu kala (ceh wah....dahulu kala tu bila?) hahah...bday party, wedding,baby fullmoon,or any event, mesti guna kek...but sekarang, apa jenis event pun mesti CUPCAKE @ KEK CAWAN....(hairan tak?tak la menghairankan sangat kan semakin maju so ken upgrade la sikit...hahah)...dan sekarang ne dah ramai orang kat muka bumi nie berbisness kan cupcakes...(bijak juga kan mereka mereka ne...pandai cari buat bisness...;)) kebanyakan nya suri rumah tangga yang terlibat dlm bisness ne...saya respect la kat mereka...sbb pandai mencari rezeki tambahan untuk membantu para suami yang sibuk bekerja...;)

♥ cantik tak cupcake ne?cantikkkkk sgt....♥

 ♥ yg ne pulak?Cute...suitable  for celebrating baby fullmoon ♥

~ yg ne memang cumil....gerenti sayang nak makan...hahaha...tersangant la cumil...~

♥ It's just simple and yummyy!! ♥

Picture picture kat atas tu bukan hasil tangan aku...;) jumpa dlm internet...hahah....
and now i show you my cupcakes!!!(pssttt....kalo tak cantik just scroll down ye...;P)

- Terliur tak? this is - Chocolate moist cupcake with Fresh Cream...and heart fondant - nak try tak?jom order ;P)

- Tempting me so so much....Chocolate moist cupcake with choco chip -

- Wah...wah...cantik tak?:) made these vanila cupcake special for friend's wedding day..- its vanilla cupcake with Fondant..~

~ dah boleh buka bisness tak?hahhaha-

- here we go with baby fullmoon cupcakes....-i like the footprint on the cupcakes...- it just CUTE!!!!

NAK PIC LGI TAK?....sampai sini jer la yer....malas nak share banyak banyak...nanti banyak pulak calling masuk nak place their order....(perasan pulak budk ne yer...hahhaha)

p/s its true!!!!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

♥ Tips Penjagaan mata ♥

EYES!!!MATA!!!....itulah aset yang terpenting bagi sya sebgaia seorangg wanita...(just for my own opinion la :)) ...orang kata" dari mata turun ke hati"..hahaha...betul ke ayat aku tu? ;P....Memiliki mata yang cantik adalah idaman setiap orang terutamanya kaum Lets see wht i have for you'll....

okok....entry kali ne i nak share pasal tips tips untuk penjagaan mata..kalo korang sedar, penjagaan mata ne sebenarnya amat penting...itulah sebabnya ramai orang terutamanya kaum hawa ne, sibuk sibuk nak cari produk produk penjagaan mata...senang cerita supaya mereka kelihatan cantik...hahah (aku pun kaum hawa juga) ;P...i've a friend yang terlalu berjaga jaga soa; penjagaan mata ne...sanggup berhabis ratusan ringgit demi mendapatkan mata yang cantik...So, satu hari ne, she didn't get a chance to sleep early just because of she wants to concrete on her study for final till early morning, and wake up mata dah macam mata panda....fuhh!!!!punya panic minah ne.....hahhaha!!!im just laughing seeing her face yang ke"panic-kan."...

TIPS aku untuk dptkan mata yang cantik simple dan mudah dan tak payah keluarkan kos yang mahal mahal..(chewahhhh)

1. Tidur yang cukup...PENTING tau...;P
2. Cara permakanan kita kena kontrol....(Senang cerita - makan la sayur dan buah-buahan )
3.Penggunaan mask (mmg leceh nak guna mask ne, tapi tak pe la...just take 5 mnt ;) it's worth wht ;)
4. Be Happy (harus la kan selalu happy...sebab kalo bad mood jer, ia boleh mempengaruhi mata kita- and don't cry cry...hahah

* That's my own tips and styles how i taking care of my eyes...;) depends on you guys if ur wish to follow ;)...wink...wink...

And now, here i share few tips from google tips tips penjagaan mata ;) Enjoy yea,.....

Jika anda ingin menjaga kualiti penglihatan yang baik berikut adalah tips yang dapat membantu anda memelihara mata anda.

1. Amalkan pengambilan buah beri dan prun. Kebanyakan buah-buahan yang berwarna ungu ini sangat kaya dengan sebatian yang di kenali sebagai 'anthocyanidins' yang terbukti memberi manfaat pada kesihatan mata.

2. Amalkan pengambilan sayur-sayuran berwarna hijau seperti bayam, kangkung, sawi dan sebagainya kerana ia sangat kaya dengan beta karotin yang baik untuk mata.

3. Ambillah buah-buahan yang berwarna oren atau kuning seperti limau, betik dan mangga. Buah-buahan berwarna ini, sangat baik untuk mata kerana kandungan beta karotin yang terkandung di dalamnya sangat tinggi.

4. Sayur-sayuran berwarna oren dan merah seperti lobak merah, tomato dan labu juga mengandungi beta karotin yang sangat tinggi. Ambillah pemakanan ini setiap hari sekurang-kurangnya satu cawan sehari bagi memastikan tubuh anda sentiasa mendapat sumber beta karotin yang berterusan.

4. Melakukan senaman mata adalah sangat baik untuk kesihatan mata. Caranya dengan mengerdipkan dan memejamkan mata anda kerana ia mampu mengurangkan keradangan dan rasa letih pada mata.

5. Kurangkan stress pada mata dengan meletakkan hirisan timun pada kelopak mata anda. Mata yang letih mengakibatkankan lingkaran gelap di sekeliling mata terjadi seterusnya menjejaskan penampilan anda.

6. Tidur yang cukup akan membantu merehatkan mata anda dan membuat mata anda kelihatan segar dan bermaya.

7. Elakkan mata anda dari cahaya yang sangat terang kerana ia akan menjejaskan penglihatan anda. Pakailah kaca mata gelap untuk memelihara mata anda.

Hope these tips dapat membantu anda anda semua terutamanya kaum hawa ;) ....seeeeee yaaaaa

♥ TWINTECH College Annual Dinner ♥

Kalo cakap pasal MAKAN meamng my favorite corner la....;) Event ne dah lama my cuma i have no time to posted it up here...;) Seblum i post pic, just nak comment sikit la...(tak banyak..sikit jer ;))..tak suka cara student student kat sana welcoming all the guests....they just sitting down and bg goodies bag dgn guest than ask us to sign entah apa benda lepas tu masuk.....ish....ish.....(cerewet pulak aku ne kn):P,....and the FOOD choices!! tak kena dgn tekak aku...tapi i mkn jer...hihihi...its ok la..malas nak comment panjang panjang nanti kena boom my cousin...:) nah just enjoour pic with TWINTECH student....

♥  With my Cousin....- Alfranie ♥ 

* This is the list of the menu on that nite - Just a simple dishes i think ;) *
 ♥  Me again with Cuzzy - Olivia ♥ 

 ♥  US again ( love talking pic with her...SHe's such a Pretty girl rite?Does she?;♥ 
 ♥ Cuzzy - Cherely ♥ 
 ♥  Agian with Alfranie ♥ 
 ♥ Model to - be ♥ 
 ♥  Tak ade tempat nak pose kat tiang lampu pun jadi la...hahaha ♥ 
 ♥  Me with the you both so much ♥ 
 ♥ Frankie with Alif our "BOYFRIEND" of that nite...(ganas kan)
 ♥  Olivia with her colleague friend..- forgot his name already...♥  
♥  us again...pssttt just ignore the background...hahhaha...nobody wants to take picture with him. Thats why hes inter frame us..:P ♥  

p/s Enjoying the nite with my cuzzy and her friends so so much even the food is not nice...;) 

♥ Eating chocolate could actually help you lose weight♥

Lagi lagi entri pasal CHOCOLATE....hari nie nak share entri pasal fakta yang mengatakan bahawa makan chocolate mengemukkan...sebenarnya TIDAK....sebaliknya  ia boleh menurunkan berat badan kita....wah!!!!mcm tak percaya kan?Saya memang peminat setia chocolate !!its YUMMY you know...I prefer to eat chocolate than to eat a fast food....hahahah!!! I got a story about this CHOCOLATE....i have a friend that really HATE eating chocolate very much....know why? = TAKUT GEMUK =  ish...ish....lucu pulak aku bila teringatkan my friend ne...just because of mau jaga badan she prefer to not eat chocolate...Tak pe la...kita tinggalkan cerita pasal my friend nie...;)

Jom kita baca entri yang i google from internet....

Chocolate, like any other candy, makes you fat. That's such a basic and well-known fact that it's easily taken for granted... but it could be wrong. New research reveals that people who regularly eat chocolate are thinner than those who don't.

That's the finding of UC San Diego researchers Beatrice Golomb, Sabrina Koperski, and Halbert White, who reported their findings in today's issue of Archives of Internal Medicine. Their findings go against everything we think we know about chocolate — in part, because of the way chocolate has typically been consumed since Europeans first came into contact with it.
While indigenous Americans such as the Maya and Aztecs didn't add much to the cacao plant when harvesting it as chocolate, Europeans added sugar and milk - two items unknown in the Americas - to overcome the food's natural bitter taste and make it palatable. In doing so, what had been a staple part of the American diet for 2,500 years became a dessert for Europeans. Sweet chocolate — which includes both the dark and white varieties — has been seen as a fattening dessert ever since.
The thing is, there were good reasons why the original chocolate crop cacao had become such a vital part of diets of various ancient American cultures. It's connected with a bunch of potential health benefits — primarily as an antioxidant, thanks to the presence of a substance known as epicatechin. Chocolate's status as an antioxidant means it can help work against certain molecular chain reactions in the body's cells that, if unchecked, can cause cell decay and death.
Chocolate is also linked to modest reductions in blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, cholesterol, and other key metabolic functions. The problem with all this, naturally enough, is whether these potential health benefits are useful enough to make up for the weight gain associated with eating even modest amounts of chocolate. That's why this new study is so intriguing — that association between chocolate and weight gain may be a popular one, but it isn't necessarily a scientific one.
The UC San Diego researchers realized that body mass index (BMI) is affected by metabolism just as much as blood pressure or cholesterol levels are. As such, it was possible that chocolate consumption could help reduce the deposition of fat, effectively canceling out the very calories added when eating the chocolate in the first place. It may sound a bit like the logical equivalent of Möbius strip, or possibly a bit of nutritional ouroboros, but their data suggests that this is exactly what is happening.
The researchers enlisted 1018 men and women between the ages of 20 and 85 from the San Diego area, none of whom had any known history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or high cholesterol. They were asked how many times a week they consumed chocolate and their BMI was measured. They were also asked to list the frequency of other foods they ate and how often they exercised.
All the raw data suggested that the chocolate eaters should have the heftier BMI. They showed higher calorie intake, ate more saturated fats, and they didn't exercise any more than their non-chocolate counterparts. And yet, no matter how the researchers sliced or adjusted the data to account for potentially confounding variables like age, gender, physical activity, or anything else, chocolate consumption was always linked to a lower BMI. The people who ate chocolate were thinner than those who didn't.
The researchers write that it probably isn't simply the amount of calories that determines weight, but the character of those calories. We think of chocolate as full of empty calories, but they seem to have a serious impact on our bodies' metabolic functions, and those can be enough to offset the addition of all those calories in the first place.
That said, it should definitely be pointed out that this is hardly a universal law. The researchers are quick to point out that this effect may not hold true for all types of chocolate, all the ways in which people eat chocolate, or indeed all chocolate eaters. Not everyone is guaranteed these health benefits from eating chocolates, and for some it may really just be a quick road to weight gain.
Still, as lead researcher Beatrice Golomb puts it, this is "good news – both for those who have a regular chocolate habit, and those who may wish to start one." You know, I've never been less happy about the fact that I really don't like chocolate that much. Now, when scientists come out with the health benefits of Sweet Tarts, then we'll be talking.
* Pada yang takut nak makan chocolate sebab takut gemuk, why dont u have it one today...just try on it...u will love it babe...hahahah...

*p/s : pada mereka mereka yang takut nak makan tu, jgn takut lagi kerana ia tdk la mengemukan seperti mana fakta fakta sebelum ne...:)

♥ To Reduce Stress Eat Chocolate ♥

Entri kali nie saya nak share pasal CHOCOLATE...mesti ramai penggemar CHOCOLATE kat luar sana kan...namun apakah korang tahu RAHSIA chocolate ne? Jom baca Entri ne
wah!!Wah!! nak mengurangkan stress makan chocolate?biar betul?hahahah.....

"Go ahead, grab a chocolate bar. New evidence is in that eating dark chocolate every day can reduce stress.  The study, announced today, found that people who rated themselves highly stressed to begin with had lower levels of stress hormones after eating chocolate  every day for two weeks. The study’s subjects ate 1.4 ounces (40 g) of dark chocolate daily, or a little less than a regular-sized Hershey’s bar, which contains 1.55 ounces (44 g).   The doctors took urine and blood plasma samples from the participants at the beginning, halfway through, and at the end of the two week study, and found lower levels of the stress hormones cortisol and catecholamines in the samples at the end.
The study was small, however — just 30 people — so further research is needed to verify the results. The scientists, led by Sunil Kochhar of the Nestle Research Center in Switzerland, detailed their findings in the Oct. 7, 2009 issue of the Journal of Proteome Research.
“The daily consumption of dark chocolate resulted in a significant modification of the metabolism of healthy and free living human volunteers with potential long-term consequences on human health within only 2 weeks treatment,” the researchers wrote in the paper. “This was observable through the reduction of levels of stress-associated hormones and normalization of the systemic stress metabolic signatures.”
The study adds to a growing body of research showing that certain elements in chocolate — such as antioxidants called polyphenols — can have helpful health benefits. Previous studies found chocolate can help fight heart disease and reduce the chances of developing cancer.
Of course, moderation is important. Since most chocolate products contain fat and sugar, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing.
One key point worth remembering, the study focused on dark chocolate, not milk chocolate.  Look for a brand that stipulates at least 70% cocoa."

* So apa pendapat korang?hehehe...bagi mereka2 yang ter"over" stress tu cepat cepat dapatkan chocolate ya...hahha


♥ Life is Beautiful ♥

Hidup ini orang kata ibarat roda yang berputar...(berputar-putar la kali kan ;P)....Kadang Kala kila di bawah dan adakalah nya kita berada diatas....(Ceh wah...Boleh jadi kaunselor ;)).....But i've heard orang kata yang hidup nie susah?betul ke? So far it's not as bad as you thought guys...Kalo kita kaji selidik "Life is Beautiful" as beauty as yours parents ;)...Memang kadang kala bila kita ditimpah kesulitan, kita akan merasakan yang hidup ini susah..Tak ada harapan... Seakan yang Tuhan itu tidak wujud..Tipu la kalo saya cakap yang saya tak pernah fikir macam tu...In life there's call a BAD and GOOD situations...Takkan la kita sebagai makluk ciptaan Tuhan hanya mau menerima yang BAIK sahaja dari yang di Atas...Tanpa kita sedari yang BURUK itu la yang akan mematangkan kita untuk lebih menghargai kehidupan ini....

In law sya pernah cakap yang kita kena menghargai KEHIDUPAN ini disaat kita berada diatas..dan senantiasa give thanks to the LORD....Dan bersiap sedia la untuk menerima kejatuhan satu hari nanti kerana kita tidak akan pernah tahu dan mengerti rencana TUHAN untuk kehidupan kita...

p/s : you should know how to control your life wisely....

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Hello WORLD!!!

Wow!!! I'm back again!!.....Actually saya dah ada blog dah lama dah, tapi dah tak tau password and username...huuh entah hilang kat mana dah tak tau..;)

Nak active menulis balik ne...banyak nak sharing sharing kat sini,,,malas nak buka DIARY...penat tangan nak writing down all things...;P kalo kat blog kita just typing jer...tak memenantkan langsung....;) guys just enjoy with ma life story...hahahah